Adult Ministries
We have Sunday School Classes for Elementary ages, a Teen Class, and an Auditorium Class
Personal Discipleship
The ABC’s of Christian Growth
A discipleship program is available, and will be taught at the church, see the pastor to find out the next date for a discipleship class. We also offer a 4 week in home Bible Study about Jesus and why He is important and what you need to do about it!
Ladies’ Fellowship
Every second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. there is a ladies’ meeting where you will be challenged to grow in your daily relationship with God, and enjoy Christian fellowship with wonderful ladies as they gather around the Word of God. Throughout the year there are different event that ladies can be involved in such as Mother/Daughter Banquet, Ladies Christmas Party and more. There is a Awesome 2 day Ladies’ Conference every 18 months. Watch this website for more info!
Men’s Fellowship
Nearly every first Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m. there is a Men’s Prayer Breakfast held in the Basement Fireside Room. Invite your friends and come enjoy good food, good fellowship and a challenging message from the Word of God. Throughout the year there are different events that men can be involved in such as Men and Boys Cookout, Men’s Retreat, Fishing Trips, and more!
Senior Adults
Through the ministry of Jerome Bible Baptist Church seniors will find meaningful friendships and enjoyable activities.
Each week many of our members participate in volunteer community outreach. Every outreach meeting consists of partnering with an experienced Christian, and time spent visiting and reaching the lost with the Gospel of Christ.
Saturday at 10:00 am – All Church Visitation